One of my highlights is Art I loon neo Are Teneks everyday. My favourite Art is the Minion Art. eve one did one I love my miun. We did It with Mrs. Mills she did one and we did step by step. I show open mindedness because I focus on the technique and give it ago.
The sport Taranaki has taught us to kicking, throwing and striking the ball. The Important thing is to keep the eye on the ball. Teme woke, following the roose. And never giving up is the key.
When I write I share my ideas and always try hard.sometimes find it hard to write but I kept going and the iPad haps my learning. I persist and never give up.
My teacher thinks I am a hardworking learner. I like team 67.
I want to look like a good curiousity man wen I grow up I want to show the little fellas that I am so smart that I want to teach the little girl and boys too.